The Center for Educational Professional Development (CEPD) at Nurture International School is committed to building the capabilities, skills, and expertise of the teaching faculty, school leaders, and office management through our extensive portfolio of professional development programmed.
“…if staff development is to be a key component of school improvement, if it is to be something that empowers teachers and makes schools more responsive, then Pakistan (i.e. Nurture International School ) experience has some lessons for us all.”
UK Times Educational Supplement, Strathclyde University
Since our inception in 1978, we at Nurture International School have always aimed to achieve the highest standards of professional excellence by offering training and development programmes through various ongoing partnerships with International and National universities.
At present, CEPD has catapulted several foreign training courses in collaboration with various universities such as The University of Cambridge and Canterbury Christ Church University (CCCU), United Kingdom.
Currently, over 13,000 trainings have been provided to teachers/heads which have enabled Nurture International School to distinguish itself from other school networks in terms of teaching quality.
More than 8,000 employees in the last decade have received training on various programmes offered locally and through foreign qualification or accreditation.
Plot No.S-1, main double road,
G11/3, Islamabad, Pakistan
Call: (051) 2362223